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Elektrický kotel s integrovaným čerpadlem Thermo Group® 24kW

Elektrický kotel s integrovaným čerpadlem Thermo Group® 24kW

Product description:

An electric boiler with a power of 24 kWp is suitable for up to 360 sq.m.

• Circulation pump
• Low-noise contactors
• Safety valve
• Pressure sensor
• Thermostat
• Thermomanometer
• 2 power levels
• Insulation
• Air valve
• Drainage system
• Overheating protection
• The boiler is equipped with an additional terminal for connecting an external controller
• Possibility to used in parallel with other heat sources
• Dimensions: 780x360x150 mm
• Weight: 19 kg
• Voltage: 380V

Včetně DPH
Osvobozeno od daně: 19,003.05Kč
DHL Schenker
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Electric boilers are the effective solution for decentralized heating. They are modern, comfortable, safe and environmentally friendly heating devices.

Elegant design and easy installation
Installing a Thermo Group® boiler is not an expensive investment and does not require connection to the gas network, installation of a flue system, a separate boiler room or a place to store fuel. All you need is a power supply.
You have a new generation Wilo PARA OTMSL / 7-50 / SC hydraulic group. It has been specially designed to give you peace of mind thanks to the safety valve, drainage system, air valve and pressure sensor.

Electric boilers can be used as the main heating appliance or in combination with an existing boiler or fireplace. Thermo Group® are characterized by compact dimensions and can be installed practically anywhere. The boilers are equipped with the necessary safety protections and can be combined with a coil boiler for domestic hot water.

Heating without fossil fuels
Regardless of whether the heating system is with a wood-burning boiler or a fireplace, the user of the installation is committed to constant refueling and regular cleaning of the heating device. Another inconvenience is the fact that the boiler room cannot be left unattended for a long time, for example during vacation, when there is a risk of freezing, but with the Thermo Group® electric boiler, problems and inconveniences disappear.

Thermo Group® control - WT-02 or other additional devices
Room temperature control provides high heating comfort. With boiler efficiency, economical operation of the heating system is guaranteed.

Přibližná vytápěná plocha (m²). 360
Hmotnost (kg) 19
Rozměr hloubka (mm) 150
Rozměr šířka (mm) 360
Rozměr výška (mm) 780
Jmenovitý tepelný výkon (kW) 24
Napájení [V] 380 V